Club Database

Posted: 7/7/2019
With Plebe summer in full swing and the first phone call home this weekend (Sunday), I am busy working to create a current KY Club database of our new Plebe families, current Midshipmen families, and the families of those serving in the Fleet (information is strictly for Club use and is not shared with anyone else).
If I may ask all of you (Plebe families, Current Mid families, and those in the Fleet) to take a moment to email me ( the following information:
· Plebe or Midshipman full name, year to be commissioned (of if in the Fleet, the year they were commissioned), the high school they attended, and if they are playing a sport at the academy.· Parent names — please include addresses, emails, and phone numbers.
In talking with Jim Goff and Debbie Conway, we are very pleased to announce a mentoring program for new Plebe Families! Once we have all the above contact information, I will be able to match a new Plebe Family with an Upperclassman Family that hopefully resides in their area. While Facebook is a great place to ask questions, the Club mentor will be able to directly talk/text with the Plebe family to give support, share Navy stories, and answer questions—especially over Plebe summer. So please, Upperclassmen Families reach out to me to let me know you are ready to be matched with a New Family!
Lauren Theobald
Mother of Jonathan Shontz (Class of 2014)
